Up to 128 Sensors
Complete Data Logging Package included in Software
Digital and Bar Graph Displays are standard
Print on demand or user configurable
Easy To Install
Maximum, Minimum and Time Weighted Average displayed

Analygas® Systems Models 40 and 41 are multipoint indicator and alarm systems for use in conjunction with remote
sensing devices such as our Models 42 and 43 gas monitors.
These units are specifically designed for safeguarding people and protecting produce from undesirable levels of toxic
and other gases.
Multiple Gases can be monitored
Bar Graph Displays
Visual and Audible Alarms
User selectable Latching or Non-latching Alarms
Downscale Alarm for Oxygen monitoring

Descrivi l'immagine.

Analygas® Systems Models 40 and 41 are wall
mounted gas monitors for use in non-hazardous
indoor locations. They are housed in rugged steel
The Model 40 has up to 10 independent channels,
each of which can be connected to a single, remote
gas monitor.
The Model 41 is a scaled down version having up
to 4 channels.
Direct readings in gas concentration are displayed.
Channel readouts are plug-in modules that feature
microprocessor bar graph displays and status
lamps for all alarms. Alarm levels are user
adjustable at each bar graph.
Ÿ Electrochemical Sensors
Up to 10 Sensing Points
Ÿ LED Bar Graph Displays
Ÿ120 or 240V Input
Ÿ2 Output Relays per Sensing Point
Ÿ Operating Temperature
-40ºC to 40ºC
-40ºF to 104ºF

Channels can be configured to detect different
Dry contact relays are included to activate
ventilation fans or other auxiliary equipment.
Built-in electronic timers delay the action of
relays, resulting in reduction of unnecessary fan
cycling. This helps to cut plant operating costs
and reduces wear and tear on external control
All relays are 'fail-safe' to ensure that critical
peripherals, such as alarms and fans, are
activated in the event of a power failure.
Ideal for use in food processing establishments,
garages, sewage and water purification plants,
machine rooms, process control areas, etc.