Up to 128 Sensors
Complete Data Logging Package included in Software
Digital and Bar Graph Displays are standard
Print on demand or user configurable
Easy To Install
Maximum, Minimum and Time Weighted Average displayed

Descrivi l'immagine.
Analygas® Systems Model 45 is a combustible gas monitor that supplies a 4-20mA signal proportional to the gas concentration.
It is used in conjunction with our Model 30,
40 or 41 multipoint readout units.
Alternatively, it can be interfaced with a computer or other data acquisition system.
The Model 45 protects property from potential fire and explosion.

Catalytic pellistor bead sensor
Rugged explosion proof enclosure
Class I, ABCD
Class II, EFG
4-20mA or 0-1V Output

24VAC Input
4-20mA Output
Resolution: 1% of Full Scale
Response Time: To 90% Of Full Scale In Less Than 10 Seconds
Operating Temperature:
-40°C to 40°C
Typical Sensor Life: 5 Years
Analygas® Systems Model 45 is a wall mounted
gas monitor which utilizes catalytic pellistor technology to detect combustible gases.
The Model 45 can measure gas concentrations
up to 100% LEL.
The signal output is a linear function of gas concentration. The standard 4-20mA output
format will interface with almost any data
acquisition and control unit.